Qinghua Wang, PhD

Bioinformatics Scientist
Department of Computer & Information Sciences
Center for Bioinformatics & Computational Biology
University of Delaware


Ph.D. Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics , University of Minnesota, USA, 2005
B.S. Biological Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China, P. R. China, 2001

Previous Positions

Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, USA (2006-2009)
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA (2005-2006)


The Protein Society Finn Wold Travel Award (2009)
Gordon Research Conference Outstanding Poster Award (2008)
The 46th Experimental NMR Conference Travel Award (2005)
Thomas Reid Award (2005)
Preparing Future Faculty Fellowship (2004)
Victor Bloomfield Graduate Fellowship (2003 & 2004)

Research Interests

Accurate and efficient exploration and integration of protein information to generate biologically meaningful and significant hypotheses for basic and application-orientated research

Selected Publications

  1. Naixia Zhang*, Qinghua Wang*, Aaron Ehlinger*, Leah Randles*, Jeffrey W. Lary, Yang Kang, Aydin Haririnia, Andrew J. Storaska, James L. Cole, David Fushman, and Kylie J. Walters (2009) “Structure of the S5a:K48-linked diubiquitin complex and its interactions with Rpn13”, Molecular Cell, 35, 280-290 (* Equal contribution)
    Qinghua Wang, Matthew A. Deloia, Yang Kang, Casey Litchke, Naixia Zhang, Margaret A. Titus, Kylie J. Walters (2007) “The SH3 domain of a M7 interacts with its C-terminal proline-rich region”, Protein Science, 16, 189-196
  2. Qinghua Wang, Patrick Young, Kylie J. Walters (2005) “Structure of S5a Bound to Monoubiquitin Provides a Model for Polyubiquitin Recognition”, Journal of Molecular Biology, 348, 727-739 (Cover story)
    Qinghua Wang, Kylie J. Walters (2004) “Chemical shift assignments of (poly)ubiquitin-binding region of the proteasome subunit S5a”, Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 30, 231-232
  3. Kylie J. Walters, Amanda M. Goh, Qinghua Wang, Gerhard Wagner, Peter M. Howley (2004) “Ubiquitin family proteins and their relationship to the proteasome: a structural perspective”, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1695, 73-87
  4. Qinghua Wang, Amanda M. Goh, Peter M. Howley, Kylie J. Walters (2003) “Ubiquitin recognition by the DNA repair protein hHR23a”, Biochemistry, 42 (46), 13529-13535
  5. Kylie J. Walters, Patrycja J. Lech, Amanda M. Goh, Qinghua Wang, Peter M. Howley (2003) “DNA-repair protein hHR23a alters its protein structure upon binding proteasomal subunit S5a”, PNAS, 100 (22), 12694-12699
Qinghua Wang

Delaware Biotechnology Institute
590 Avenue 1743, Suite 147
Newark, DE 19713
Phone:  302-831-4841
Email: wangq@udel.edu