Recommended Electives
BISC609 Molecular Biology of the Cell (3)
BINF610 Applied Machine Learning (3)
BINF620 Big Data Analytics in Healthcare (3)
BINF667-014 Introduction to Biostatistics with Biomedical Applications (3)
BINF690 Programming for Bioinformatics (3)
BINF695: Computational Systems Biology (3)
CISC636 Computational Biology and Bioinformatics (3)
BISC654: Biochemical Genetics (3)
CISC681 Artificial Intelligence (3)
CISC682 Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction (3)
CISC683 Introduction to Data Mining (3)
CISC684 Introduction to Machine Learning (3)
CISC841 Algorithms in Bioinformatics (3)
CISC844 Computational Biomedicine (3)
CISC882 Natural Language Processing (3)
NURS/HLTH 844 Population Healthcare Informatics (3)
PHIL648 Environmental Ethics (3)
PHIL655 Ethics in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (3)
Other Electives
BISC602 Molecular Biology of Animal Cells  (3)
BISC605 Advanced Mammalian Physiology (3)
BISC612 Advanced Cell Biology (3)
BISC615 Developmental Biology (3)
BISC625 Cancer Biology (3)
BISC679 Virology (3)
BISC682 Bacterial Pathogens: Molecular Mechanisms (3)
BISC690 Fundamentals of Pharmacology (3)
BISC833 Special Topics in Biology: Grant Writing (1)
CHEG620 Biochemical Engineering (3)
CHEG621 Metabolic Engineering (3)
CHEM624 Principles of Mass Spectrometry (3)
CHEM641 Biochemistry (3)
CHEM645 Protein Structure and Function (3)
CHEM646 DNA-Protein Interactions (3)
CHEM649 Molecular Biophysics (3)
CISC621 Algorithm Design and Analysis (3)
CISC640 Computer Graphics (3)
CISC642 Introduction to Computer Vision (3)
CISC650 Computer Networks II (3)
CISC675 Software Engineering Practices and Principles (3)
CISC849 Advanced Topics in Computer Applications (3)
CISC886 Multi-Agent Systems (3)
CISC889 Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence (3)
CPEG655 High-Performance Computing with Commodity Hardware (3)
CPEG657 Search and Data Mining (3)
ELEG633 Image Processing (3)
ELEG652 Principles of Parallel Computer Architectures (3)
ELEG671 Mathematical Physiology (3)
ELEG679 Introduction to Medical Imaging Systems (3)
ELEG680 Immunology for Engineers (3)
KAAP602 Data Analysis and Interpretation in Health Sciences (3)
MAST607 Writing Papers in the Marine Sciences (3)
MATH611 Introduction to Numerical Discretization (3)
MAST616 Methods in Molecular Biology (3)
MAST618 Microbial Ecology (3)
MAST623 Physiology of Marine Organisms (3)
MAST625 Microbial Physiology and Diversity (3)
MAST626 Microbial Molecular Genetics (3)
MAST634 Marine Molecular Sciences (3)
MATH637 Mathematical Techniques in Data Science (3)
MEEG621 Linear Systems (3)
PHYT632 Applied Physiology I (3)
PLSC671 Paradigms in Cell Signaling (3)
STAT608 Statistical Research Methods (3)
STAT612 Advanced Regression Techniques (3)
STAT615 Design and Analysis of Experiments (3)
STAT617 Multivariate Methods (3)
STAT619 Time Series Analysis (3)
STAT621 Survival Analysis (3)
STAT670 Introduction to Statistical Analysis I (3)
STAT671 Introduction to Statistical Analysis II (3)
STAT674 Applied Data Base Management (3)