Examining Microbes Under a New Lens

A team of researchers from the University of Delaware have uncovered that about 40 percent of Chesapeake Bay bacteria utilize sunlight as a source of supplemental energy. Their results are published in the July issue of Applied and Environmental Microbiology, and a...

Interdisciplinary Research Prize

Felix Francis (center) was awarded the Interdisciplinary Research Prize for his dissertation, "Characterization of Genomic Diversity at a Quantitative Disease Resistance Locus in Maize using Improved Bioinformatic Tools for Targeted Resequencing." Article courtesy of...

Insight to the Eye Lens

CBCB Affiliated Faculty member, Salil Lachke, identifies new mechanism essential for eye lens development. Article courtesy of UDaily

Searching for the Big Picture

$1.9 nillion NIH grant from Affiliated Faculty, Hagit Shatkay and CBCB personel, Cecilia Arighi make biomedical research easier to peruse Courtesy of UDaily

Microbial Systems Symposium

Our bioinformatics students and affiliated faculty participate in sixth annual Microbial Systems Symposium at the University of Delaware. Courtesy of UDaily

Matchmaking for Cancer Care

A team of computer scientists from the University of Delaware and Georgetown University has developed a new system to rapidly determine which cancer drugs are likely to work best given a patient’s genetic markers. The first publicly available system of its kind, their...