Big data, big answers
2:04 p.m., June 9, 2015–Big data is being used for applications ranging from analyzing the popularity of beer to mapping the world’s ecosystems. While having more information can lead to more accurate analysis of a problem, the more isn’t always the merrier when it comes to data. What happens when the needle can’t be found because the haystack is so big?
Pharmaceutical companies, for example, face the daunting task of narrowing millions of potential molecules down to a small pool of the most promising candidates for wet-lab testing.
Graduate research forum
1:10 p.m., May 8, 2015–Highlights from years of inquiry, testing, discovery, thinking and rethinking were on the easels and projected on screens in meeting rooms throughout Clayton Hall during the fifth annual University of Delaware Graduate Resear
UD Day in DC – Senators, feds, alumni check out latest in research at UD Day in DC
4:04 p.m., March 27, 2015–Using farm-fresh ice cream, a raw oyster bar and portable cellphone chargers as bait, scores of University of Delaware researchers and staff converged on the Hart Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday, March 25, to share their work with Delaware’s Congressional delegation, UD alumni, Capitol Hill staffers and specialists from federal agencies and other research groups.
Welcoming Ms. Katie Lakofsky – Assistant Director for Graduate Education and Outreach
March 9, 2015–CBCB is extremely delighted to welcome Ms. Katie Lakofsky as our new Assistant Director for Graduate Education and Outreach.
Many of you already know Katie well, as she previously served as the CBCB Education and Outreach Coordinator during the formative period when the bioinformatics Master’s and PhD programs were being established. She served as the Associate Director of DBI during the past two years, leading programs and initiatives in collaboration with the life science industries and education communities in Delaware.
Viral dark matter – UD researchers’ website tracks genetic sequence data from unknown viruses
Highly cited: Three UD scientists among Thomson Reuters’ 2014 Highly Cited Researchers
1:30 p.m., July 8, 2014–Three University of Delaware professors — Pamela Green, Blake Meyers and Cathy Wu — are among the world’s top scientists, according to the recently launched Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researchers list.
According to Thomson Reuters, Highly Cited Researchers is a compilation of influential names in science that spotlights some of the “standout researchers of the last decade.”
Women in computing – Bioinformatics Student Association to receive NCWIT Student Seed Fund support
1:17 p.m., May 27, 2014–The Bioinformatics Student Association (BiSA), a registered student organization at the University of Delaware, has been selected to receive assistance from the National Center for Women and Information Technology Academic Alliance (NCWIT) Student Seed Fund to support its outreach initiatives.
Formalism fame – UD professor presented award for natural language processing work
8:40 a.m., Feb. 17, 2014–The Association for Mathematics of Language (SIGMOL) honored the University of Delaware’s Vijay K. Shanker with the inaugural S.Y. Kuroda Prize on Jan. 7 for his work in natural language processing.
INBRE leaders – Leadership of statewide biomedical research program announced
1:24 p.m., Jan. 6, 2014–Leadership appointments have been announced for the Delaware IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE). This statewide program is building Delaware’s biomedical research capability by developing research in the areas of cancer, cardiovascular health and the neurosciences, providing key research resources and enhancing the biomedical science and technology knowledge of the state’s workforce.
The same, but different – UD’s Singh wins award to study how cells make decisions
10:39 a.m., June 13, 2013–No matter how identical they are biologically,
twins are fundamentally different and unique. In the same way, two cells
that originate from a single parent cell may have the same shape and size,
yet differ in the level of proteins they carry.
Proteins are complex molecules that play a critical role in developing
the structure, function, and regulation of the body’s tissues and organs.
Young visionary – UD biologist receives prestigious ARI Young Investigator Grant
8:37 a.m., April 2, 2013–Salil Lachke, University of Delaware assistant professor of biological sciences and a 2012 Pew Scholar in the Biomedical Sciences, is one of just eight researchers from around the world selected as an Alcon Research Institute 2013 Young Investigator Grant recipient.
Taufer named David L. and Beverly J.C. Mills Career Development Chair
Dec. 6, 2012–Michela Taufer, associate professor at the University of Delaware, has been named the David L. and Beverly J.C. Mills Chair of Computer and Information Sciences.
The position is funded through a generous gift from David L. Mills, professor emeritus, and Beverly J.C. Mills, a UD alumna. It is meant to reward exceptional young female faculty talent in the departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering or Computer and Information Sciences.