The PSM scientific curriculum, together with “Plus” component for professional skills and the immersive Internship prepare the PSM graduates to pursue a professional career. The Computational Sciences Concentration allows students to gain knowledge and industry experience in developing bioinformatics methods, tools and/or databases for modern biotechnology or medicine. The Life Sciences Concentration allows students to gain knowledge and industry experience in applying bioinformatics methods, tools and databases as an integral approach to modern biotechnology and medicine. The BINF-PSM graduates will be well positioned to pursue a professional career in industry, business, government agencies, or non-profit organizations.

The Professional Science Master’s requires 37 credits, including 15 credits in the Bioinformatics & Computational Biology Core courses, 3 credits of Ethics, 1 credit of Seminar, 6 credits of Internship and 12 credits of PSM PLUS coursework. 

BINF-PSM (37 Credit Hours Total)
Bioinformatics & Computational Biology Core 15 Credits
Ethics Core 3 Credits
Seminar (3 semesters) 1 Credit
Internship 6 Credits
Professional Science Master’s Plus Courses 12 Credits


An Internship is required for the PSM degree (see options). The internship can be completed at participating companies/institutions in the PSM program and be jointly supervised by the Faculty Advisor and a Co-Mentor in the hosting institution. Unless special permission is granted, students need to complete 12 credit hours of coursework prior to the start of their internship. The mentors and student will develop the internship objectives for approval by the Director of the program prior to the start of the internship. A final written report and a poster presentation are required to complete the course.


Internship (6)
Internship (6) BINF 864 Internship (1-6) *


The PSM degree requires at least 12 credits of PSM PLUS coursework in addition to their science core. Whereas students in the PSM program may have professional goals that would lead them into business and industry (BI) or to government or non-profit employment (GN), the University of Delaware offers two tracks for the PSM PLUS component. The University recommends the student follow one of the PSM PLUS tracks below, however students may cross over tracks to fit their interest.

PSM Plus

Professional Science Master’s Plus Courses
Accounting (3) ACCT 800 Financial Reporting and Analysis (3)

Leadership and Organization (3)

[select one]

BUAD 870 Leadership and Organizational Behavior (3)
BUAD 872 Organizational Development and Change (3)
UAPP 761 Conflict Resolution Collab Prob Solving (3)

Project Management, Operations or Entrepreneurship (3)

[select one]

BUAD 811 Globalization and Business (3)
BUAD 831 Operations Management and Management Science (3)
BUAD 835 Managing for New Product Development Projects (3)
BUAD 871 Managing for Creativity and Innovation (3)
ENTR 860 High Technology Entrepreneurship (3)
MISY 840 Project Management and Costing (3)
UAPP 827 Program and Project Analysis
UAPP 697 Leading Organizations in Public & NP Sectors (3)
UAPP 698 Management Decision Making in Public & NP Sectors (3)
Intellectual Property (3) CHEG 595 Intellectual Property for Engineers and Scientists (3)


Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Core Courses

Students must take 15 credits of breadth courses, one course in each of the following areas:

  • Bioinformatics
    • BINF644 Programming for Bioinformatics 
  • Systems Biology
    • BINF694 Systems Biology 
    • BINF695 Computational Systems Biology
  • Introduction to Discipline
    • Computer Science Concentration (Pick one)
      • BISC609 Molecular Biology of the Cell
      • BISC654 Biochemical Genetics
      • PLSC636 Plant Genes and Genomes
    • Life Science Concentration (Pick one)
      • BINF690 Programming for Bioinformatics
  • Database
    • BINF640 Database for Bioinformatics
    • CISC637 Database Systems
  • Biostatistics
    • STAT656 Biostatistics
    • STAT611 Regression Analysis

Ethics Courses

Students must take one of the following ethics core courses (3 credits)

  • PHIL655 The Ethics in Data Science and AI
  • BUAD840 Ethical Issues in Global Business Environments         
  • PHIL648 Environmental Ethics        
  • UAPP650 Values Ethics and Leadership


Students must take three semesters of seminar (two 0 credit; one 1 credit) and give a presentation in their final semester.

Seminar (1)
Seminar BINF 865 Seminar (0-1)