CISTERS goes national
UD group for women in technology becomes official ACM-W student chapter
September 19, 2016
CISTERS, a group that brings together women in technology-driven fields at the University of Delaware, has become an official ACM-W student chapter.
A sub-group of the Association of Computing Machinery, ACM-W celebrates, supports, and advocates for women in computing, providing a wide range of programs and services and working in the larger community to advance the contributions of technical women.
“CISTERS becoming an ACM-W Chapter formally connects UD students with the national organization and other ACM-W chapters in the region as well as globally,” says Lori Pollock, professor of computer and information sciences, who is serving as adviser to the chapter. “This connection will provide support in various ways, including, for instance, a distinguished lectureship program, which will pay for the travel of speakers to campus.”
“It’s important for the small group of women in computing here on campus to feel part of a bigger organization that has the same mission and can provide support and a feeling of connection with other groups at other universities across the world,” she adds.
Preetha Chatterjee, a doctoral student in computer science and chair of the UD chapter, points out that members have the opportunity to gain technical, communication, teamwork, problem-solving and leadership skills through their volunteer activities with the organization. The group also hosts a book club and career and networking events.
“The organization is open to all undergraduate, graduate, and faculty in technology-driven fields, not just computer and information sciences,” she says. “Our goal is to promote women in technology at UD and have fun.”
Benefits of affiliation with the national organization include a three-month complimentary electronic subscription to Communications of the ACM; a full-year subscription to Crossroads, ACM’s student magazine; TechNews, a tri-weekly technical news service; CareerNews, an email newsletter filled with industry tips, trends and insights; and MemberNet, the ACM member newsletter.
Upcoming CISTERS events include the following:
• Oct. 13: Book Club series, first meeting.
• Nov. 15: Book Club Series, second meeting.
• Dec 5: Technical talk in collaboration with the Bioinformatics Student Association.
Contact Chatterjee at for more information about joining the group or volunteering.
Visit the website to learn more.
Photo by Evan Krape September 19, 2016